Suya- Roast African spicy skewered beef – An irresistible beef Satay with Spicy Peanut Spice Blend – the epitome of West African Street food.
There is something about suya that makes me, well hungry. It doesn’t matter what suya comes to mind- liver, tripe, fiery hot , spicy; The thoughts of food linger on for hours . I don’t think I can get enough of eating or thinking about it.
Unless you have been crawl up under a rock, there is no denying you must have tried some form of skewered meat that is grill, broil or slowly cook over an open flame.
Suya is the word use to describe this skewered meat in Africa, particularly in Nigeria and Cameroon. It mostly originated from the Hausa people, one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa. They would set up their Bbq pits in most neighborhoods , on street corners ,selling grill meat , some skewered others not, till every single stick is gone